At the start of every year, many minds turn to getting healthy and setting the goals to achieve that. Part of getting healthy should include being more active, which is why many of us are making the decision to join a gym. Going to the gym can be a great way to exercise and reduce stress, but if you’ve never been before, it can be a pretty intimidating place. A fear of the gym is common – between all the already fit patrons and machines that you’re not quite sure how to use, you may feel a little in over your head – but before you allow those fears to keep you from going, there are a few things you should try that will help you to overcome them.
Go with a buddy – If you’re walking into a gym alone for the first time, it can be a little overwhelming; all the new people and strange machines can make your feel isolated and confused. You may start feeling too overwhelmed and find yourself making excuses not to go, so you might want to think about a gym buddy. With a friend in tow, it can be more comforting to know you’re not alone. Also, they may know the answers to questions you may have about different machines or workouts. But mostly, going with a buddy can keep you on track. With someone to push you or by making a set schedule, you’ll be more likely to go.
Don’t compare yourself – The gym hosts all types of people – many of whom may look like they’ve been working out for years – but don’t let this discourage you. Remember not to compare yourself to others. You are a different person and we all have different body types. If you’re uncomfortable with how you look, remember that everyone there had to start somewhere. Also, as an added bonus, going to the gym isn’t just about how you look, it’s also about how you feel. It’s about the fact that you’ve decided you want to feel good and be healthy. When you decide to stop focusing on those around you and focus on yourself, you’ll notice your anxieties starting to slip away.
Do some research – This is something I would suggest to anyone who is about to join a gym. Do a little research: check out the gyms around you, read their reviews, or talk to people you know. By learning about the gyms in your area, you’ll be able to pick one that is best for you. You’ll be able to decide where you’ll be the most comfortable, what price best suits your budget, and which one will best fit in with your daily schedule. Also, check up on the machines they have there and do some research on them as well. By knowing the machines and a little about how they work, you’ll be a little more at ease when you begin using them.
By facing your fears of the gym with this advice, you’ll be able to conquer them and set yourself on the track to success. Nothing compares to the feeling of knowing you’ve stuck to a commitment you’ve made and seeing results from it, on the inside and out.