A quarter-life crisis is something that happens to the best of us. Although, if you are like me, you had no idea it was a thing. I knew about the mid-life crisis, but no one ever told me about the quarter-life crisis.
It wasn’t until I was searching online for a reason why I felt stuck that I found out what exactly this feeling was. I was surprised that it not only had a name, but that I wasn’t alone in this feeling.
Maybe this post is that for you. You are searching for an answer, a blueprint, or confirmation that you will get through this.
If you are looking for anything like that, or this is the first time you are hearing the phrase quarter-life crisis, welcome to the mid-twenties club. Stay a while as I share a little more about what exactly we are going through and how I plan to get out of this crisis.
Related: Life Crisis in Your 30s
What I’m Doing To Get Through My Quarter Life Crisis
What Exactly Is A Quarter-Life Crisis?
Dictionary.com defines a quarter-life crisis as: “a crisis that may be experienced in one’s twenties, involving anxiety over the direction and quality of one’s life.” We’ve been adults for a couple years now so we feel like we should have this “adulting” thing figured out by now.
What happens if we don’t? What happens if we suddenly start to see our friends getting married and starting a family, and we are still unsure if the right one will ever come along? What happens when we are still looking for that job that is going to start our career?
Stress, confusion, and comparison is what happens, and we want none of that. We feel stuck and lonely, so we start questioning everything. It can even impact our mental health. That is how I’ve felt in my quarter-life crisis at least.
My Game Plan For Getting Out Of My Quarter-Life Crisis
I decided that it was time to stop sulking in my quarter-life crisis and actually do something about it. The best way to get through something is to take action, right? Here’s what I’m doing to get through my quarter-life crisis.
1. Surround Myself With Inspiration
I love a good quote, inspirational song, and even an inspirational TikTok. There is something about hearing/seeing someone say exactly what you’ve been feeling, and making sense out of it as well. It’s a nice reminder that I’m not alone.
I want to see more of that on my social media feeds, phone, computer, and even my room. This consists of unfollowing accounts that make me feel bad about myself, and following more inspirational accounts, updating my home screen to something inspiring, and hanging up quotes on my walls.
2. Get Advice From Those Who Have Been There
This is going to happen through two ways. The first being having more conversations with friends who have experience with this.
It’s nice to surround yourself with people that have been on the other side of what you are going through. It helps you to not give up hope that things will get better for you.
The second part of this will be to read more content written about this subject. I love reading other articles that other GenTwenty contributors write. There are also other great twenty-something bloggers that I enjoy learning from. Podcasts are another resource I plan on investing more time into.
3. Go To Counseling & Truly Putting In The Work
One of the best things I’ve ever done for myself is making the decision to seek help for my mental health. My first experience with counseling was offered at my college. This was where I first came to terms with the fact that I have depression.
Last year I decided to seek out counseling again. With all the transitions and uncertainties that come with our mid-twenties, plus mental health issues, I needed help sorting through it all.
Counseling is no joke. It can be hard, but it is worth it. The only way to get the most out of it is to actually do the work.
By work I mean being completely honest with yourself, and your counselor, and putting into practice the tips and techniques they give you. If you need help finding professional help visit this website.
4. Reflect On Who I Am, Who I Want To Be, and How To Connect The Two
I’ve been on quite a journey of self-acceptance since 2020. I still have a lot to learn about myself. Slowly I’ve been able to accept some of my traits and passions, instead of being ashamed of them, and own the things I’m good at.
I will continue working on this until I can 100% say that I accept myself for exactly who I am. I also want to continue growing into the person I want to be.
I want to figure out my career, grow in the skills I’m good at, and develop stronger relationships with those around me. I believe that is the way to connect who I am to who I want to be, in a healthy realistic way.
Your Quarter Life Crisis Game-Plan
If you are reading this and are finding yourself in the same situation I’m in, I want to leave you with some encouraging tips.
- Surround yourself with the people you love, what keeps you motivated, and what inspires you.
- Focus on increasing self-acceptance and self-love.
- Above all else, remember that this uncertainty you feel will go away. You’ve got this!
I hope this has helped you feel a little less alone. If this has inspired you in any way, I’d love to hear your takeaways. Let’s connect in the comments.