Some people think happiness is a choice. Others feel it can be cultivated through your actions and thoughts. I’m somewhere in between.
I do think happiness is a choice but that it’s not always easy to be happy. I also think it’s okay to not be happy sometimes. We can learn a lot about ourselves in our down times. Plus, these times are also necessary for cultivating resilience, a key life skill in my opinion.
If you’re seeking ways to be happier in 2019, I have a few methods that help me not only choose to be happy and cultivate a happier mindset but to also give me strength to push through the difficult times .
10 Ways To Be Happier In 2019
1. Practice gratitude.
Gratitude is about putting a focus on what you are grateful for. Even if you are not feeling gracious in the moment, there is always something to be thankful for in your life.
Start every morning by writing down something you are grateful to have in your life or to have experienced in the past 24 hours. You can be very specific or vague, but I’ve found that the more specific you are, the better!
This might be something like “I’m thankful for having a warm bed to sleep in.” It could be something along the lines of “I’m grateful for friends who are there for me.” Or even something as simple as “I’m grateful to afford a toothpaste I like.”
[click_to_tweet tweet=”Even if you are not feeling gracious in the moment, there is always something to be thankful for in your life.” quote=”Even if you are not feeling gracious in the moment, there is always something to be thankful for in your life.”]
2. Dismiss responsibility for other people’s actions.
I consider myself a “fixer.” When someone has a problem, my immediate goal is to find a solution for them. Can you relate?
For a long time I couldn’t understand why some people wouldn’t take action on a solution, even if it was right in front of them. Being in this situation would only upset me constantly. I was putting my happiness on their actions. In reality, I can’t control what other people do. When I stopped letting their actions affect me, I was happier.
If someone asks for your advice, the only thing you can do is give them the best you have to offer. What they choose to do or not do is not your responsibility. And therefore, neither is the outcome. What other people choose to do, say, and think has nothing to do with you.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”What other people choose to do or not do is not your responsibility. And therefore, neither is the outcome. ” quote=”What other people choose to do or not do is not your responsibility. And therefore, neither is the outcome. “]
3. Reserve judgement.
It’s not our place to judge other people. Judging others is something we do overtly and subconsciously. It’s almost built into the human psyche as a defense mechanism.
But judging other people is a negative behavior. It pulls your mind to a place of criticism. The next time you find yourself leaning towards judging someone, pay them a compliment (even just in your mind) instead. Focus on what is positive and you’ll be less likely to judge others.
Judgement is a shield to protect us against our own insecurities and vulnerabilities. But when you can be kind to others, you can be kinder to yourself. And when you do that? You’re able to fully embrace what makes you a unique human being and reach your full potential.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”Judgement is a shield to protect us against our own insecurities and vulnerabilities” quote=”Judgement is a shield to protect us against our own insecurities and vulnerabilities”]
4. Be proud of the work you do.
No matter what your job is, at the end of the day are you proud of what you’ve accomplished? If you’re not proud of the quality of your work, you are devaluing your confidence. A lack of confidence can permeate every area of your life. Being proud of the work you do will help you feel more confident and more valued as an individual.
Are you also proud of how you treat others? Of how you treat yourself? Do you like the person that you are? If not, use this year for internal reflection.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”No matter what your job is, at the end of the day are you proud of what you’ve accomplished?” quote=”No matter what your job is, at the end of the day are you proud of what you’ve accomplished?”]
5. Laugh more.
Like the saying goes, laughter really is the best medicine. It helps you to relax, reduces stress, improves blood flow, and triggers endorphins, among other things. It really should be a priority for more of us!
As we grow up, a lot of us take things too seriously. Laughing let’s you tap into your “inner child” and let loose. While it may not be something you’d add to your to do list everyday, make it a daily priority to unwind with some funny YouTube videos, a comedy on Netflix, or just tell jokes with some friends. Don’t hold back with your laughter, you’ll be happier for it!
[click_to_tweet tweet=”Have you laughed today?” quote=”Have you laughed today?”]
6. Set goals for yourself.
I personally believe that setting goals is a very powerful thing. Having a goal in the front of your mind, whether is is a short term or a long term goal, gives you a direction. It gives you something to center your actions around. You’ll make better decisions when you have goals because you’ll be acting with them in mind.
Take time at the beginning of 2019 to set overarching goals for yourself for the year. Then, take time monthly and weekly to check in on those goals. Are you still focused on reaching them? It’s okay if your goals change throughout the year. Goals are fluid, not fixed.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”Reminder: It’s okay if your goals change throughout the year. Goals are fluid, not fixed.” quote=”Reminder: It’s okay if your goals change throughout the year. Goals are fluid, not fixed.”]
7. Let go of what no longer serves you.
We all have those relationships and habits that don’t add anything to our lives. Remind yourself often that it is okay if you have outgrown something. It’s a natural thing to do and it’s perfectly okay.
Many times we stay stuck in situations because of the feeling of obligation. If the feeling of obligation is sucking away your joy, finish out what you are committed to, and then move on.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”If the feeling of obligation is sucking away your joy, finish out what you are committed to, and then move on. ” quote=”If the feeling of obligation is sucking away your joy, finish out what you are committed to, and then move on. “]
8. Focus on the long term instead of the short term.
There are some things in life that are meant for our long term happiness, even though they make us miserable in the short term.
For example, it might be hard for you to live with roommates to pay off your debt. In this case, you’re sacrificing your short term happiness for your long term happiness. Focusing on the long term gain and finding other ways to keep yourself occupied can be worth the short term sacrifices.
Ultimately, though, if what is ailing you in the short term has the potential for long term devastation, it might be worthwhile to find another solution to help you reach your long term goal.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”Focusing on the long term gain and finding other ways to keep yourself occupied can be worth the short term sacrifices.” quote=”Focusing on the long term gain and finding other ways to keep yourself occupied can be worth the short term sacrifices.”]
9. Let yourself feel your negative emotions.
Emotions are human. It’s okay to be upset, angry, devastated, or frustrated. Don’t block out your other emotions for the sake of your happiness.
Remind yourself that it is okay to cry. It’s okay to need a few days to yourself. It’s okay to just feel things and not judge yourself for feeling a certain type of way. With other happiness tools in your repertoire, the negative feelings will pass.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”Emotions are human. It’s okay to be upset, angry, devastated, or frustrated. Don’t block out your other emotions for the sake of your happiness. ” quote=”Emotions are human. It’s okay to be upset, angry, devastated, or frustrated. Don’t block out your other emotions for the sake of your happiness. “]
10. Define what happiness means to you.
Happiness doesn’t look the same for everyone. But what makes us happy should be things that add to our lives. Happiness is about finding your ultimate contentment. Take the time to be intentional about your very own personal definition of happiness.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”Happiness is about finding your ultimate contentment. ” quote=”Happiness is about finding your ultimate contentment. “]
And there we have it — 10 ways to be happier in 2019. Don’t let another year pass you by being miserable. You deserve to have joy in your life.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”10 Ways To Be Happier In 2019″ quote=”10 Ways To Be Happier In 2019″]