Another year older, another year wiser. This year marks the big two five for me. I’ve finally fit the quarter-century mark. It feels like just last year I was attending my first semester at WVU (West Virginia University). Damn, does time fly! Hitting your mid-twenties tends to come with feelings of a quarter-life crisis. But am I mad, sad, having a crisis about it? Nope.
Turn 25 hasn’t really hit me in any way, yet. I don’t feel any older and I haven’t seen much change in myself, but I know this year is going to be a remarkable year. Why? Because I’m now halfway to 50 and that somewhat terrifies me. So, year 25 is going to be a risk taking and adventure year–I just know it.
On Choosing a New Career Path
The first couple years out of college were all about landing a job in my area of study. Now that I’ve had a few years of experience in that field I think it’s time to steer my path somewhere else. I love being creative with my job, but it’s not what I went to school for and got a degree in or am even strongly passionate about.
Turning 25 has opened my mind and eyes to choosing a new career, something I am genuinely passionate about and excel at.
On New Responsibilities
Coming to my mid-twenties, I realized I needed to start taking on more responsibilities, especially financially. My car insurance, health insurance, and phone bill were all still going to my dad (I know that sounds bad) but that is just what my parents and I decided on. Each individual situation is different and I am forever grateful for my parents in supporting me this way.
Although I’m not paying all of that yet, I’ve started with getting my own phone plan with my boyfriend. We’ve also started paying some of the extra out of pocket expenses at the doctor and dentist. At first the responsibility might seem overwhelming, but it’s life and we’re going to have to deal with it once we hit 26, so why not get a head start!
On Life Changes
Just recently, we found out that we’re moving to Minneapolis for my boyfriend’s job. We are super excited about, but this will be a major life change for us because we’ve never lived in a big metropolitan city and the move is happening within the next three weeks. Talk about stress levels through the roof! If this would have hit me a couple years ago, I wouldn’t have been as prepared to pick up and move right away. In a way, hitting my mid-twenties has made me more mature and ready for a sudden life change like moving.
Being in your mid-twenties really isn’t that bad. I don’t wish to relive my life, but I would by lying if I said I didn’t occasionally miss some days back in college where life felt more relaxed.
It seems when most people hit 25, everyone feels stressed and lost, especially within their careers. For some reason once I hit 25, I knew I had to start pursuing what I really wanted out of life. Moving to Minneapolis will for sure lead me in the right career path direction and our lives will get a little sweeter with being able to live the city lifestyle.
Cheers to 25, you look good!