We all have goals, whether they’re long-term, short-term, large, or small. It’s practically human nature to want to better our lives and ourselves as we grow, mature, and develop. Right now, being a twenty-something presents us with the most opportune time to really perfect our goals, making them as specific, realistic, and ideal as possible.
The risk of having goals, though, is the slight chance you may lose focus and let them fall to the wayside. Though we all lose sight of what’s important from time to time, it’s detrimental to allow this to become habitual. Without goals, we are just stagnant twenty-somethings burdened with a lack of vertical mobility. Since this isn’t a state we want to get stuck in, it’s critical we all learn to stick to our goals, maintain tunnel vision, and keep our eyes on the end prize. Through a multitude of fashions, it’s possible to reach the goals you set for yourself and pick yourself up if you fall off the horse.
1. Establish daily rituals. You can’t truly tend to your goals if you keep putting them off. It’s easy to fall into the habit of saying, “Tomorrow. I’ll get to that tomorrow.” Yet, in reality, tomorrow is the today you were putting off yesterday. Make an effort to work on your goals daily, even if only in the slightest ways.
2. Set realistic goals. It’s difficult to stay focused if you’re goals are highly unrealistic. Chances are, you aren’t going to the moon. In actuality, you probably won’t become the next President of the United States. But hey, that’s okay! It’s more fulfilling for your spirit and ego to set goals you can actually accomplish. Don’t make them too easy, but be sure you have realistic ambitions in mind.
3. Visualize your goals. Are you trying to drop twenty pounds? Visualize your new slim body in a bikini! Have you been saving up for a new car? Imagine yourself driving a sleek, new automobile, breathing in that new car smell! The point is, visualizing your goals fuels your need to reach them, which only keeps your focus on your end goal.
4. Give yourself “me” time. It is 100% healthy to take mental breaks from time to time. You do need to give yourself some time to wind down and relax. None of us are superwoman (or man), so it’s natural to need a break from high levels of goal keeping. Take these brief breaks to do the things you love before getting back on the horse.
5. Be focused on staying focused. Remind yourself to concentrate on your goals. Maintaining focus is a skill all of us need to remember, as it’s easy to get distracted. However, if you keep your goals at the front of your mind and remember to give them careful attention, you will likely keep your focus strong, and your eyes on the prize!
Making and maintaining goals is no easy feat. It can prove to be difficult to set realistic but aspirational goals for yourself. Keeping to these goals is even more challenging, but not impossible. Remember to stick to your tunnel vision! Doing so will payoff in rewards later, twenty-somethings.