You may have seen my Bucket List: 30 things to do before you turn 30 article. I’m slowly making my way through that list, but I thought it would be fun to make a newer version of that bucket list: 25 Things to do Before 25.
Why? Because today is my 24th birthday. And as with all birthdays and the weeks leading up to it, I’ve found myself wavering between completely forgetting that I’m turning another year older and panicking because another year of my life is behind me.
Making this list turned out to be a little harder than I expected – honestly, how many crazy, life-changing experiences can I really expect to have in the next year? I have to save some things for the years that come after, right? I found myself including things that I think will make me a better person and challenge me in new ways. So, without further ado:
Bucket List: 25 Things to do Before You Turn 25
1. Run a half marathon.
Even for a non-runner, a half marathon is a manageable distance. It’s only running one mile 13 times. We can do it!
2. Finish 100 books in a year.
100 books is quite a challenge, I’ll admit! It breaks down to a little over 8 books a month or two books per week.
I’m curious, how much of a challenge would this be for you?
3. Take more pictures.
I am always struggling to come up with enough pictures from various trips events that aren’t selfies (oops). So taking more pictures of everything is on my bucket list for this year.
4. Save $10k in an emergency fund.
Start by subtracting how much you have saved already and then take the remaining amount and divide by 12 to see how much you need to save each month to reach this goal.
Emergency funds are incredibly important for helping you get out of tough situations without taking on more debt.
5. Donate to charity… regularly.
Donating your dollars to a cause you care about is a great way to not only show your support but to help the cause get closer to reaching their missions and goals.
Even a small amount can make a big difference! If all you can swing each month is 5 bucks, that can have a massive impact.
TIP: If you’re struggling to find money in your budget to donate to charity, I highly recommend using Ebates! After you sign up and make an account, you can use the extension on your web browser to alert you when there is cash back available. You make your purchase as usual and percent of cash back is deposited into your account and then paid out to you quarterly! Here’s $10 for signing up and making your first purchase.
6. Travel abroad.
I feel strongly that travel is an important part of personal growth. We learn so much by getting out of our comfortable surroundings and putting ourselves in challenging situations.
And for that reason, taking an international trip before 25 is a must.
7. Spend more time with family.
Living away from family makes this difficult, but I want to make more of an effort to stay in touch via email, FaceTime, and snail mail. When I turn 25, I want to know exactly what’s going on with my family, and I want to feel like I kept this promise.
8. Plan something with your best friend.
A few years back, my best friend and I went to the Grand Canyon. It was an amazing trip and that’s why I think planning something and experiencing it with your BFF should be a bucket list item!
It can be somewhere close by or a big trip, but planning it together and experiencing it together will tighten your bond!
9. Do yoga or meditate at least once a week.
Yoga and meditation are always something I mean to do more of. I want to start making yoga and meditating a priority.
If these things are aren’t your cup of tea, try to find something that is. Journaling or a monthly massage would make a great substitute.
10. Grow a proper windowsill garden.
Have you ever grown something from scratch? Even if you’re living in an apartment, a windowsill garden is easy enough to cultivate!
It will also give you a sense of purpose to have to take care of a living thing.
11. Make a new friend.
Meeting new people isn’t too challenging, but making new friends as an adult is surprisingly difficult.
Once you’ve graduated from college or have left a school environment, you’ll need to make it an intentional goal to connect with someone on a deeper level.
12. Step out of my comfort zone and try something you would never have considered before.
We all tend to stay in our comfort zones because it’s where we feel “safe.” But to see change and improvement, you have to take a leap!
We all have something that we think we would always say “no” to. It might be skydiving, flying, or solo travel but there’s a lot to be learned from learning into the resistance we feel!
13. Volunteer regularly.
Along the lines of donating to charity, it’s something I’ve always really wanted to do but never have. So this year, I will make an effort to find somewhere to volunteer in my city.
14. Ditch the Starbucks habit and invest in my own espresso machine.
I can’t even tell you how much money I spend at Starbucks. Actually I can, but it’s too embarrassing to admit. In light of that, it’s on my bucket list to invest in my own espresso machine and learn how to make my own coffee at home.
If you’re a big coffee drinker, why not try different methods at home? You’ll likely find a new brew you love and can make quickly!
15. Hit a fitness goal.
Fitness is fun and we can all benefit from settling on a physical goal to reach by 25. What’s yours?
16. Establish a sleep schedule that works for you.
We’re not all morning people, and we don’t have to be! Our brains are still developing before age 25 so it’s important that we’re getting enough rest.
Protect your sleep because your sleep protects you!
17. Binge watch “Friends” and “Sex and the City.”
I’m almost ashamed to admit that I have never watched either of these shows from beginning to end! They’re both classics for my generation and I want to watch them all the way through.
Pick two shows that mean something to you that you’ve been putting off watching and get to it!
18. Take yourself out to lunch.
Maybe for some people this doesn’t seem scary or intimidating, but I’ve never gone to a restaurant alone.
This makes a great “get of your comfort zone” task!
19. Take yourself out to the movies.
Have you ever gone to the movies alone? I haven’t. It’s something that always seems like a more social outing, right?
Well, why not try going by yourself? Pick an evening and see a new release!
20. Book plane tickets to somewhere you’ve always wanted to go.
We all have placed we dream of going, and the first step to making it happen is booking the tickets!
21. Do a Whole30.
The Whole30 is an awesome but challenging experience. It helps you to better understand your body and the impact of the food you feed yourself.
22. Cook a turkey.
This might seems silly but I have never even helped cook a turkey, even on Thanksgiving. I haven’t a clue where to start but it’s something I’d like to *try* myself.
Instead of cooking a turkey, cook a meal or recipe that intimidates you. You’ll never know how it will turn out unless you try!
23. Learn some new software.
There are always new technologies and programs coming out in every industry.
To stay on top of your game, you’ll benefit from embracing them and learning them as quickly as possible.
For me? My goal is to learn InDesign.
24. Learn calligraphy or another creative skill.
This is another thing that I’ve been meaning to dabble in for quite awhile now.
Commit yourself to learning something that will take patience and a bit of creativity to get right!
25. Go a week without watching any TV.
Inspired by Natalee’s recent TV-free week, I’d like to attempt something similar. I’d like to at least go one week but maybe even attempt a month.
And so there we have it, a 25 things to do before 25 bucket list. I’d love to hear what’s on your bucket list! What do you hope to accomplish by your next birthday?