If you want to set the new year off on the right foot, there are a few things I recommend you do. I like to call these positivity projects for a great new year.
They are fun, but should be taken seriously to get the most out of them. Without further adieu, here are seven projects that are perfect for getting you in the right mindset for the new year.
7 Positivity Projects For A Great New Year
By doing any number of these projects you’ll walk into the new year feeling confident, ambitious, and ready to accept the best of what the year has to offer.
1. Vision Board
This is a classic activity to do when it’s time for a new year. It’s a great visual reminder of all you hope to accomplish, and it’s fun to create too.
Grab some friends, poster board, magazines, markers, etc. and start dreaming up what you want your year to look like. If you don’t have/want to buy a ton of magazines, I found this book on TikTok Shop that has aesthetic pictures and quotes for different areas of your life. I can’t wait to use it on my own vision board.

Why It Works
Creating a vision board is a great manifestation activity to help you get what you want. By taking the time to create your board you are expressing the importance of each goal.
Then, when you hang it somewhere easily accessible, you’ll see it daily and stay constantly aligned with what you want. Try this positivity project for a great new year and see if it works for you.
2. Happiness Jar
The Happiness Jar is an idea that I got from Pinterest years ago. I haven’t done one in a few years, but I definitely want to get to it for the new year. You’ll need a jar, cut up paper strips, and something to write with at minimum. If you want to decorate your jar you may want other supplies.
Next you need to decide on a timeframe where you’ll write down something that made you happy. Will it be once a day, once a week, once a month, etc.. I recommend doing it once a week.
At the end of each week you’ll write down something that made you happy on a strip of paper and fold it up. At the end of the month, or end of the year, you’ll take them all out and read about the happy moments you had.

Why It Works
I like this positivity project for a great new year because it gives you more of an awareness of what truly makes you happy. You’ll find by doing this that it’s a lot of the smaller moments that make it onto the paper strips each week. It’s also a great mood booster to read them on a day where you are feeling down.
3. Scripture Board
If you are religious/spiritual, this may be a great new years activity for you to do. I found this idea on TikTok and I think it’s a great way to speak truth and God’s love over the new year. You just need some kind of board or canvas, some markers, paint and paintbrush, and letters.
First you want to outline the letters that you will be gluing down soon. Once you have them outlined, begin writing out Bible verses that are important/meaningful to you all over the board, in between the letters.
Then you’ll want to paint your big letters and, once they dry, glue them down to your board. Hang your board somewhere you can see and meditate on God’s word daily.
Why It Works
The Scripture Board serves more than just a cute decoration in your room. If you theme the Bible verses around a topic that is relevant to you, you’ll get much more out of it. For example, I deal with depression and anxiety so for my scripture board I would put calming Bible verses that I could read when I’m in a funk.
4. Inspirational Sticker Notebook
If you are a sticker hoarder, like myself, this is a great project for you. It’s simple. You just take any stickers of inspirational sayings and quotes that you love and put them all in one journal. That way, on a day where you need a mood boost, inspiration is just a notebook away.

Why It Works
Having this project for a great new year as a place you go to when you need some motivation or inspiration can be crucial for reaching your goals this upcoming year. Think about the days where you don’t feel like working out. Instead of giving in to that, go to your sticker notebook for a boost in motivation.
If you are feeling down about a setback that you are having in your career goals, grab your sticker notebook to get some fresh inspiration to keep going after it. You get the point, when you need a boost your sticker journal will be there.
5. Write Letters To Yourself
This is another activity that will have you looking back at the end of the year. What you are going to do is write a letter to yourself at the start of each month and then read them all on December 31. You can either free write each letter or have a set of prompts that you answer every time to keep your letters consistent and see how you grow.
Why It Works
Reflection activities are a great memory keepsake. By looking back in detail on what you were going through throughout the year you’ll be able to see how you’ve grown too. It may even give you more of a direction to go into in the next year.
6. Solo Date Jar As A Project For A Great New Year
If self love is a priority for you going into the new year, this project is a must. Similar to the happiness jar, you need a jar, paper strips, and something to write with.
On each paper strip I want you to write down a solo date idea that you can do. If you need ideas, we’ve got you. Then you simply fold them up and put them in the jar. Anytime that you want to go out, grab a piece of paper from the jar and see where it takes you.
Why It Works
Whether or not you are in a relationship, everyone deserves the joy of a solo date. Solo dates are a great way to take time for yourself if you find that you are busy a lot, celebrate when you have good news/had a great day, or even just because you want to do something fun. Try committing to going on at least one solo date a month this coming up year and see how you feel.
7. Balloon Art Therapy
I did this project a few years back to celebrate a breakthrough that I had in therapy. However, I think it’s a great activity to do to get rid of the negativity of the year you’ve had and embrace what you are hoping for in the next year.
What you want to do is fill some balloons with colored powder paint and once you blow them up, write on them the negative words you associate with the year, yourself, etc.. Then you want to wear all black when you pop these balloons so that the color will really stand out.
Once you’ve taken all those pictures it’s time to embrace the positive. Blow up the remainder of the balloons and write the positive words on them. Change into whatever you want for these photos and hold up the balloon with the biggest smile on your face.
For an insightful video take on this process, you’re welcome to view my personal project experience here: Balloon Therapy Project.
Why It Works
This project, while messy, is a great visual representation of getting rid of negative mindsets and focusing on the new positive ones. If you are a visual person, you need to do this project for a great new year. It does take some time, but I promise you the feeling you get when you are popping those balloons and looking at the pictures after is the best feeling.

Final Thoughts On Positivity Projects For A Great New Year
Doing a few of these activities will surely get you in a positive mindset for the new year. Whether you do them with friends or solo, it’s bound to be a great experience. Let me know which one(s) you do in the comments.