Summary: Occupational
As I continue to grow in physical and occupational health, I’m feeling absolutely fabulous. Maybe it’s because I’ve been able to spend the last two weeks traveling (and have taken GenTwenty’s advice about road trips) but I like to think that it’s my overall wellness improving. Not only do I have more energy to tackle all of my occupational goals, but the goals I set last week really kept me in check.
I’m feeling way more in control of my occupation (as a student). My inbox isn’t pristine, but I’m down a couple hundred e-mails-which I consider pretty impressive. The reading has been difficult this week, but again, I’m not trying to set myself up for perfection this month-just improvement. All in all, I’m ready to move on to my next area of wellness, spiritual.
Now I promise I’m not going to get preachy about my religious beliefs. I hate when people do that-so I’ll be brief. I’m a Christian and more specifically, I’m a Lutheran. My faith has always been an important part of my life and I’m ready to get that relationship back on a higher level in my life. Now even if you don’t prescribe to a certain religious belief set to practice spiritual wellness. To give this a quick summary- spiritual wellness is just taking time to conceptualize how you view yourself in relation to the world and ponder the great big scary questions. Now, you don’t have to answer those great big scary questions-just become aware of them and start thinking about where you gain peace and power in your life. Here is a more complete webpage about this if you’d like to look into it more. So, without further ramblings…
My week five Spiritual goals are:
1. Reintroduce yoga and meditation into my daily routine
2. Attend church on a regular basis
3. Get back in touch with my devotional/literature studies
4. Notice areas of incongruence (ideal spiritual self vs. actions)
5. Work to correct said areas
How am I feeling right now?: I’m definitely noticing areas of incongruence. Sometimes I feel at odds with my actions, thoughts, and what I consider my moral code. I’d love to work on settling this cognitive dissonance. I also could really use some more peace in my life. Meditation is wonderful for so many reasons, and there are a ton of different meditation methods. I’ll play around with some different ones this week and let you know which ones work for me!
I hope you’re enjoying this journey and that your journeys are going well. Please leave comments and let me know! Thanks so much for your support, GenTwenty, I appreciate it!