As we go through life, it happens from time to time where you get into a mental state of self-awareness. A state of complete openness, where you think very deeply about life, both your own and others’. Sometimes it is triggered by an emotional feeling, while other times it’s by an action or something you see that you didn’t expect.
No matter what it is, it’s very normal to have these times in life and here are a few things that make you really stop and think about life:
1. Death of a person close to you: This one hits home for me. There is nothing in life that prepares you to lose someone that meant a lot to you. It is a wake up call for your soul. Reminding us that life is a precious gift we are all graced with, and we need to make sure we live it to the fullest. Love as hard as you can, play like you’re a kid, work hard towards something your passionate about, and never forget to be grateful for what you are blessed with.
2. Reaching your first big goal: It’s hard not to smile when you finally accomplish something you have been working towards. It reminds you why you worked so hard and sacrificed so much. Never forget that feeling, as that provides motivation in all areas of your life.
3. Hanging out with a child: Children are the purest form of innocence. Spending time with them and experiencing their little joys in life, well there just isn’t anything better than that. It reminds us of the little things we often forget.
4. Moving to a new country or out on your own: As a young adult, you think you have life figured out. But moving to another country or even a new city can be an amazing experience. You will learn so much about yourself that you had no idea was there.
5. Talking about religion with someone: This will seriously open your eyes to the fact that our world is so diverse is so many ways. Everyone has their own thoughts and beliefs and that is what makes the world a great place!
6. When you fail at a goal: This could be either when you are a kid or maybe when you’re an adult. Failing is a great way to teach you to pick yourself back up. It broadens your perspective of the situation around you and forces you to learn and adjust. We all need that from time to time.
7. Finding a kindred spirit: I swear this isn’t only in the Anne of Green Gables books. It is so refreshing in life to find that one person who truly understands you for who you are and that nobody else even compares.
8. Being sad for no reason: I have woken up some days and just been in a foul mood. Nothing happened, I didn’t have a bad sleep, but my mental state just isn’t there. No matter what you do you can’t shake it, either. Fear not my friends, that is okay. You obviously just needed a reset and it gives you a chance to take a step back and view things a bit differently.
9. Finding your passion in life: This is one thing that everyone wants and some people don’t end up finding. But the challenge of finding it is half the fun in life. Don’t give up, it’s worth it I promise.
10. Finally, a smile from a stranger: I can’t explain how it feels to see a complete stranger and experience the common joy in smiling. It brightens up your day and reminds you that you are not alone in this world.
Life is a complex and interesting thing we all get to experience together. Don’t forget to step back and remember what it is all about.