Don’t get me wrong – I mindlessly scroll through TikTok or Instagram reels daily. Not only is it the mindless activity I need to decompress, but I get a lot of good ideas and hacks from all the new mother videos too.
But I will say, there is a big negative to all the new mother videos that keep popping up on my “For You Page” or whatever Instagram’s equivalent is. They can be overwhelming, make me feel like I’m not doing enough, and even like I’m missing out on stuff.
It seems as though as soon as I knew I was pregnant, the algorithm switched on me on both Instagram and TikTok. All my “for you” videos became ones about pregnancy or babies. Sure, some were helpful. But other new mother videos didn’t just cause a bit of agitation for me, but full on scared me!

New Mother Social Videos I’m Tired of Seeing
If you read all of the above and feel me or if you are a new or expecting mother and are overwhelmed by all the new mother media videos out there – don’t worry, you’re not alone.
To help you out and hopefully ease that feeling, I’m sharing all the videos I’m tired of seeing. Whether this is on my Instagram and TikTok feeds and I’ll tell you why I’m tired of seeing them.
The “Get Ready With Me” Mom Videos
Let me preface this that I am a huge proponent of getting dressed every day. I am not the type to stay in their pajamas all day or to go out in their pajamas. But I will say I am not putting on a full face of makeup or wearing my best – or even worse, my pre-pregnancy clothes – to take care of my newborn.
I am going to look put together (or at least try to) but I am going to be comfy. I also know I’m going to need to change multiple times during the day due to my kid’s spit-up. So seeing all these videos of how “perfect” new moms look just feels like somewhat of a lie to me.
The “Here’s Everything I Do In The Morning To Get Ahead Before My Kid Gets Up” Videos
Do you know what I’m doing in the morning before my kid gets up? Catching up on my much-needed sleep. Or, since I am a pumping mom, I am trying to sleep until the very last second that I can. Then I’ll get up so I can pump for my child.
I am not getting up to go to the gym. I am not getting up to journal or mediate. AND, I am not getting up to go for a solo walk or catch up on work. I’ve seen so many of these videos of new moms getting up to get ahead. If that works for you, that’s great. But, I feel like I speak for the majority when I say we’re getting as much sleep as we can.

The “Your Child Should Be Doing This” New Mother Videos
Every. Child. Is. Different. And yet, my entire feed somehow became a “here are the milestones your child should reach by X weeks/months”. Or, “here is how much your child should be sleeping/eating by X weeks/months.” Honestly, that’ll just drive you crazy.
As long as your child is healthy and growing, unless your doctor has any concerns for you, that should be enough. Don’t let someone on the Internet try and make you feel bad if your baby hasn’t hit certain milestones yet.
So, take those videos with a grain of salt. If you really worry, ask your pediatrician before you freak out about anything. And yes, it’s so easy to quickly freak out when seeing those videos and your kid is not hitting whatever they’re saying they should.
The Fear Mongering Videos
Oh my GOODNESS the fear mongering videos! According to the “experts” on TikTok and Instagram, my child has already had RSV, a reaction to milk, a cold, potentially a flat head, and so on.
In reality, my child has none of this (unless my doctor is lying to me, which I highly doubt). There are so many social media videos for new mothers of “what you should look out for.” Sure, some are helpful, but others stretch things a bit too much for my liking.
The “Your Child Needs This” Toy Videos
There are so many child toys out there. SO many. Does my child really need that super pricey toy? Probably not. I trust toy reviews from doctors, therapists and so on, but it seems like everyone is a toy reviewer nowadays – at least on my feed.
Whenever I see them, I try to remember that these influencers recieve payment when someone purchases from their link. Because of this, I try and do my own research before buying anything. New mother media videos like this can really be a trap and end up not being the best products for our kids.

The “Use This, Not This” New Mother Videos
I am not a crunchy mom. But at the same time, I’m not trying to use anything that’s not baby friendly on my baby or on myself. But honestly, I feel as though all the videos on my Instagram and TikTok are now telling me that nothing’s safe!
Plastic bottles? Absolutely not. Water wipes? Nope, that’s not fully safe either. Nothing is safe anymore… unless I buy whatever influencer’s own version of it that’s “clean.” When did so many people start coming out with their own products?! And how do you know which ones are actually worth it?!
The “Out And About” Mom/Family Videos
I know that we only see a snippet into every day life on Instagram and TikTok. But all the new mother media videos I see make it feel as though moms are always out and about with their kids. Like staying home with them is the worst thing possible – at least that’s how I felt.
I genuinely felt guilty when I just stayed home with my baby, which is crazy!! We all need some days home; we don’t always need to be out and about, and that part of being a mom isn’t always shown online. Don’t get me wrong – I’m not saying that I don’t go out with my kid, but doing something big every single day jus isn’t realistic.
Final Thoughts on The New Mother Videos I Am Sick Of Seeing
There is clearly a component of non-reality that should be taken into account for a lot of social media but with this videos geared towards new mothers, it seems out of hand. The jumble of information and influence pushing can be overwhelming to anyone and especially as a new mom I have felt very exposed to this.
What are you experiences with social media as a new mother? What videos have you found helpful, or maybe which ones have been particularly discouraging or overwhelming to you?