Summer is in full bloom and it’s the time of year to get outdoors and enjoy the sunshine. I live in sunny San Diego, CA and our summers last a lot longer than most. Sure we have other seasons just like everyone else, but nevertheless it feels like summer weather here almost all year around—part of the reason I have to find so many new summery things to do all the time!
Summer is a season that fills to most people’s needs — it caters to at least one (or more!) of your favorite hobbies/activities. From things like fun in the water, to horseback riding, to BBQs, to sports, and much more, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Summertime can also be a great way to get the kids out of the house as well. So whether you flying solo, are in a relationship or have a family with little ones, you can find events for just about anyone around your city.
The great thing about trying new things is that it almost always ends up as a fun memory. This is the season that people commonly ask about…”what did you do this summer vacation?” or “Any big plans for this summer?”
I remember summer vacation always being a blast when I was younger. We played outdoors all day long until it started to get dark. As kids, we never got tired of playing some kind of game, and if by some chance we did, then we just made up some new fun game.
When I was growing up—during the lovely 90s—we weren’t majorly obsessed with technology. Sure we had video games and stereos, but nothing at all like what you see today. That said, take your kids out to play! It’s for their own good. Go out with your main squeeze and live a little, together. Or if you’re single and loving it, go out and live it up!
Below I have come up with some great, entertaining and fun things to try this summer. Do yourself a favor and get out there and do them!
1. Try some new recipes.
Nothing says fun in the sun like grillin’ on the barbie (that’s Australian slang for BBQ). Try some new recipes, get creative with your outdoor entertaining and soak up some sun. While you’re at it, learning a new skill is a really good idea as well. If you’ve never cooked, then try it! What do you have to loose?
Also try gardening, which doesn’t necessarily mean greenery. It can mean growing your own food too. Talk about making your food taste amazing with fresh fruit and veggies!
Related: 5 Ways to Be More Creative in the Kitchen
2. Try going without your phone.
I know, I know, it seems like nearly impossible. But as the saying goes… some of the best memories are those quietly experienced amongst yourself and the people present with you. There’s no need to share every detail of your summer. Go out and have fun—minus your iPhone. Plus, you won’t be distracted from the fun that’s right in front of you.
If you think you’ll get bored, then make sure you’re going somewhere where you know you’ll have fun and can maybe even relax.
Related: The Unplugged Challenge: Surviving a Tech-Free Weekend
3. Have a picnic, like the good ol’ days.
I’m not talking about how we do it now a days where we go to a park filled with food trucks and we sit down on a blanket and eat or greasy grilled cheese that we just bought for $4.25.
Instead, grab a cute picnic basket, fill it with paper plates and utensils and cups, grab your favorite wine or club soda, and pack some good homemade food. Take a big and cozy blanket, find a great spot that has lots of grass and maybe even some incredible views and enjoy!
4. Take up swimming lessons.
Even if it’s a fun swimming aerobics class, just do it. There’s something different and fun about being around new people and getting your exercise in as well. It’s a win-win situation.
5. Try a change in scenery.
We all have our favorite spots, but maybe try somewhere new. Even travel up the coast to a new beach or popular spot. If you live in a city, try heading out to a more rural location.
Related: Five National Parks to See Before You Die
6. Conquer a fear.
I know, it seems like you’re asking for a death wish, but that’s being a little dramatic isn’t it? Are you afraid of the ocean? Then head out on a boat and experience what all the fun is about. Summertime is about trying new things and getting past fears. Just go with it.
7. Try out a community event.
From movies in the park, to outdoor art and wine, and much more. You can easily Google what events are in your community and attend one. Most of the time it’s either free or pretty reasonably priced.
Pro-tip: always check out Groupon for great deals!
8. Volunteer.
That’s right! Volunteer for anything and anywhere that you think you can help and simultaneously have fun. Not only will you have a sense of contributing back to the community and doing good, but you can also have fun, meet new people and learn a little something about your local community and people.
Related: The Rewarding Fun in Volunteering
9. Try a new exercise somewhere fun.
Summer is the best time to try outdoor exercise. if you live in a city that has great views then even better. Try sunrise Pilates class on the beach, or a yoga class near or on a mountain. Fresh and rejuvenating is what you should strive for.
10. Visit your local farmers market.
I’m amazed at how many people don’t know the locations of their farmers markets or simply don’t go by choice. They are a great way to find fresh produce, pick up some beautiful flowers, eat great food, and mingle with your local neighbors.
Related: Support Your Local Farmer’s Market
Go out and have fun this summer!
Are you going to try something new? If so, what is it?