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Six Books to Jumpstart Change In Your Life

6 Books for 2015

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It’s no secret that we love to read here at GenTwenty. Last January we talked about five books to read at the start of a new year, and this January we’re back again!

A new year is a fantastic time to reach for something new on your bookshelf. Whether you believe a new calendar is a fresh start or you’re just looking for a way to pass the time until winter is over, opening up a new book can add something spectacular to your 2015. Read on for some of our recommendations!

Dream Year: Make the Leap from a Job You Hate to a Life You Love by Ben Arment

Millennials, perhaps more than any generation before them, are focused on creating a fulfilling career for themselves. The key word here is create. As a generation, we’re not interested in living someone else’s dream. We are children of the Internet. We’ve seen entire industries spring up overnight and are right in the middle of the start-up phenomenon. So many of us are sitting on our own dreams, just waiting for the perfect moment to take action.

In his book, Arment coaches you through the steps to take those actions and make your dream happen. The perfect book for the new year, Dream Year is all about taking real action. Grab a copy immediately if you’re ready to stop the excuses, stop the overthinking, give up any lazy attitude you may have and make something happen for yourself now. It’s time to do!

The Nesting Place: It Doesn’t Have to Be Perfect to Be Beautiful by Myquillyn Smith

Twenty-somethings are no stranger to the idea of picture-perfect apartment or home. In a world of Pinterest boards and Instagram filters, it can be difficult to be happy and present in our own space. Smith’s book is all about embracing reality – your reality.

As a 24-year-old young professional who loves interior design, I love this mentality. Far too often, I know my own idea of what a “perfect” apartment looks like is way off base in regards to both my budget and how I live in my space. 

The Lover’s Dictionary: A Novel by David Levithan

If picking up a book is your new year’s resolution, perhaps you want something quick and easy to get you into the habit. With this in mind, and with Valentine’s Day quickly approaching, The Lover’s Dictionary is a perfect read.

Levithan’s book is a novel written in the style of, you guessed it, a dictionary. Entries are listed in alphabetical order, each one revealing a bit more about the relationship between one couple. It’s a poetic, unique, and moving account that will stay with you through the entire year.

Overdressed: The Shockingly High Cost of Cheap Fashion by Elizabeth Cline

Whether your resolution this year is to be more environmentally conscious, be more socially conscious, or to just to be more conscious when investing in your wardrobe, Cline’s book is for you.

In a time when most of us have never even been to a tailor, Overdressed is an eye-opening tale of our new obsession with fast fashion and what it really means for us as a society. Just as we’re constantly envying photo-ready apartments on Pinterest, our closets can never seem to keep up with our demands. Cline not only unearths why this is, but why this mentality is damaging on so many levels.

A collection of poetry:

A new year is a great time to spice up your reading repertoire. Poetry is often a forgotten genre; many people don’t touch it after their Literature 101 requirement is fulfilled.

Take this chance to find out what kind of poetry you like, exploring more than just what is assigned by your instructor. Spend some time looking through some poetry online to find poets you like and connect with; The Poetry Foundation is a great place to start!

Once you’ve found some new favorites, dive into their work and order a collection or two. Don’t forget, so much of poetry is in the way it sounds. So, try something new and read the pieces out loud to yourself!

We suggest: Your Invitation to a Modest Breakfast by Hannah Gamble

Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay

Our Book of the Month for January, Bad Feminist is the perfect book to start off your 2015 with.

Don’t wait until the next ice storm knocks out your Internet to pick up a book! The new year is a great time to get back into reading. So pick out a spot on the couch, grab your biggest blanket and a cup of tea and start reading!

About the Author


Caroline holds a B.A. in English Literature from Westminster College in Fulton, MO. She is a copywriter and currently works for a midwest-based jewelry company. Caroline loves reading, traveling, binge watching anything on Netflix and elevating everyday life.