Whenever you enter university, you may feel bombarded about the countless, and sometimes unique, options of clubs and extracurriculars. You probably had no idea that there are way more clubs than there were in high school. But at the same time, you probably may ask yourself; “Is it worth joining a club?”
The reality is that oftentimes, most college students do not join clubs or other extracurricular activities. This may be due to schedule conflicts, difficulties in managing multiple activities, part-time jobs, or difficult academic coursework.
In fact, sometimes extracurriculars are draining, especially after a long day of lectures. Churning out the article for the school newspaper or creating a post on canva for a club on social media may feel like a chore after all.
So, What About Other, More Unique Extracurricular Ideas?
Fortunately, unique and flexible extracurricular ideas do not need to be so difficult and time-consuming. In fact, they can be more enjoyable for students. There are plenty of extracurricular ideas which you as a college student can partake in, other than clubs. And here are 10 of them:

1. Student Wellness Instagram Page
Mental health and wellness has been an important topic discussed amongst universities and colleges. Many colleges have been trying to revamp their mental health policies and services, whether it is through counselling, direct support, or accommodations and accessibility for students.
Oftentimes, many students forget about the importance of mental health and living a balanced lifestyle. As the assignments pile up along with the deadlines, managing mental health and wellness becomes way more challenging than expected.
So, a good way to start a mental health initiative is by creating a student wellness Instagram page. You can take inspiration from other wellness Instagram pages and integrate specific quotes and tips on your own page.
You can also design some of these posts on Canva, and schedule them on Hootsuite. Then, you can start your own mental health initiative on campus, and provide students with some day-to-day motivation quotes.
2. Around Campus Photoshoots As A Unique Extracurricular Idea
If you have a disposable or polaroid camera, feel free to use them to take photos on campus. You can meet with your own friends and arrange your own photoshoots, or you can take specific pictures of various locations.
Moreover, you can start your own photography passion project: Simply ask every student who is walking by if they are willing to model for you, and write a description about them and their interests. You can post these photos on your blog, if provided consent or on Instagram, in order to learn more about your campus community.
Taking photos is a great way to contribute to your own community as a student, and to learn more about your university campus as well.
3. Browsing Other University Campuses
If you’re an adventurous person, you don’t need to feel obligated to confine yourself to your own university campus. In fact, you can perhaps explore the other universities near your campus.
Perhaps, if you decide to take the weekend off from work, you can hop on a bus, or drive yourself to another university in another city. You can explore the other university and see how the atmosphere may be different from yours.
You can then compare and contrast the vibes and the cultures of the different schools, and see what you like most about each university.

4. University Sweater Design Club
You can unleash your inner fashionista by creating your own university sweater design club. However, before doing this, you need to consult the legalities and ensure that you are not breaking any rules in terms of copyright, intellectual property, and patents.
Otherwise, you can start your own sweater design club based on your specific university or school. You can choose your favorite location on campus, and perhaps draw that specific scene on the sweater. You can also ask others to join in.
This way, you can kickstart your own business in the corners of your campus. Not only does this unique extracurricular idea support yourself, it also promotes school spirit and camaraderie.
5. Comedy and Poetry
Or perhaps, you’re the student who loves to tell jokes. The good news is that you can perhaps participate in a comedy and poetry performance.
Research for specific school events, especially one that caters towards comedy. And if you feel the need to participate, muster up the courage to sign up.
As soon as you gain more experience, you can perhaps perform in front of larger crowds. And on top of that, you can tell jokes about your own university.
6. Karaoke Times
If you enjoy singing more than comedy, you’ll definitely enjoy karaoke. You can gather a group of people and host an occasional karaoke night. The event does not have to specifically take place in a bar, but it can also take place in a dorm.
After sending invitations, feel free to select some songs. Throughout the party, feel free to play them and sing-a-long, as well as enjoy a few treats.

7. Visiting Small Towns As A Unique Extracurricular Idea
If you’re not a fan of visiting university campuses, you can also opt to visit a few small towns. Small towns often have a different environment compared to a larger city: they often have more of a community kind of feel.
However, you’ll soon notice that they are a hidden treasure as often they’re surrounded by beautiful nature and landscapes. So, why not channel your adventurous side and take a few trips throughout the semester?
8. Coffee Shop Rating Social Media Page
We all know how much university students love coffee, especially during exams and midterm season. So, why not help out your fellow students by starting a social media page dedicated to cafes near the university?
There are plenty of ways to go about this; you can either rate the cafes on campus, or mention a few recommended coffee shops near the university. You’ll definitely notice how much you’ll enjoy the process, especially if you’re a coffee lover yourself.
9. Passion Projects on Your University Program
Why not extend your academic achievements beyond your studies? This unique extracurricular idea could be done by completing a few passion projects on the side. These projects should ideally be related to your university program.
For example, if you’re studying environmental science, you perhaps can create a blog about climate change or other environmental issues. And if you’re studying business, you can perhaps create a social media account which outlines the basics of business theory.
In the end, passion projects allow you to apply your knowledge in a unique and creative manner, while retaining the subject material.

10. Tutorial videos on YouTube on making University Friends
Many of us university students often feel lonely on campus, especially in schools with many commuter students.
Therefore, it can often feel isolating, and students may find it difficult to develop friendships or meet new people.
However, if you found your best friend during university, you can perhaps make a YouTube channel and share friendship advice and tips for university students. This will not only allow you to become more connected to the student population, but you’ll also be able to share an aspect of your life with your own community.
Summary: 10 Unique and Flexible Extracurricular Ideas
Extracurriculars are not always about joining the best clubs and achieving leadership positions. In fact, extracurriculars often are about implementing and leading meaningful change amongst the student population.
As students, extracurricular activities are important for de-stressing and socializing. However, extracurricular activities should never feel like a chore: You should never feel pressured or forced into a specific activity.
Therefore, it is best to take it easy and use your own creativity. Then, you can make an impact in your own life and leave university with unforgettable memories.