The last couple of dating disaster stories have been about guys showing their true colors. This month I wanted to get back to basics with a good old, funny first date story.
Last year around this time I was on Tinder trying out the newest form of online dating. I started talking to a few potential prospects and set up dates with three of them over the month of November. The guy I will be talking about here, we will call Dave, or as I like to call him, Mr. Karaoke.
Do not ask me how, but somehow while texting back and forth, getting to know each other a little better the subject of karaoke came up. I said I was not a fan of it but if you got a few drinks in me I could be convinced.
He finally asked me out on a date to meet for drinks. I think you can tell where this is going. He asked me to a bar that hosted a karaoke night. I agreed to the date because I was trying to be open-minded and step out of my comfort zone.
I got to the bar and meet Dave face to face for the first time. He was cute and seemed normal from my first impression. He ordered me a drink and we started watching all the “amazing” talent perform. I use the word amazing very loosely.
Then he asked me if I was ready to sing. I honestly did not think he would expect me to sing, especially since I only had just take the first sip of my drink. He made the suggestion that we each pick a song for each other and not tell one another what it is. He couldn’t tell, but I was sweating bullets at this idea. Again, I agreed to step out of my comfort zone and try something different.
We both filled out the sheet and handed it off to the DJ. I picked “Everybody” by Backstreet Boys for him. I finished my first drink and he offered me another. I had to decline because I was driving and did not want to get drunk – especially on first date with a guy I just met. I was very sober when my name got called.
I walked up to the stage apprehensively and learned I would be singing “Jump in the Line (Shake, Senora),” that song Winona Ryder sings at the end of Beetlejuice. Yep, that was the song I had to sing. It wasn’t that it was a hard song to sing, it was the fact that there are no real lyrics to sing. I basically repeated myself the whole time had to dance around to fill the void of no singing. I was mortified!
After, we both finished our songs we started talking and getting to know each other better. Come to find out, Dave was karaoke regular and even had a stage name. That was when I knew this was probably going to be our first and last date.
He was a nice guy but I did not feel that spark and I knew I would never be that enthusiastic about doing karaoke on a regular basis. However, even though that was not my cup of tea, for a first date it was great way to break the ice. I mean nothing says getting comfortable with someone like singing in front of a room full of strangers.
It may not have been a disaster of a date but it has made for a fun story. I really hope Dave ended up finding his karaoke partner.
Have you ever had to do something embarrassing on date?