The beginning of the New Year means the beginning of new resolutions. In late December people take a pen to paper, their fingers to the keyboard, or just catalog thoughts in their mind to create a list of pledges for the next year – things they will do, things they will be better at, things they will forget. Ultimately most resolutions are the same:
- Lose weight/diet/go to the gym every day
- “New Year, new you!”
- Get organized
- Spend more time with friends
- Stop being stressed
These resolutions are on people’s lists year in and year out and they’re the worst New Year’s resolutions to have. Most of these intentions are made half-heartedly with the goal of keeping them up as long as possible, but not necessarily the whole year and a plan is hardly ever intact. It’s unrealistic to believe that a person can overcome these habits in a short amount of time. But by far one of the worst things about these resolutions is that when they are written on paper and the end seems so far away, they seem almost self-hating. A person is writing down the worst parts of his or herself and wanting to change them.
But, never fear, we want to help our readers make better resolutions for 2014. We want to help our readers make positive, healthy resolutions that will make them into better versions of who they already are.
- Love yourself – In an age where around every corner there are photoshopped images and unrealistic expectations, women (and men) need to learn how to be comfortable with who they are.
- Find humor in everything – Humor is one of the most underrated and under-appreciated aspects of life. Thrive off humor and people will gravitate towards you.
- Travel – This is another resolution that is always on lists, but it needs to be on this one, too. Traveling helps someone find herself. It helps someone see beauty in the strangest of places. And who knows, maybe it can help someone love who they are.
- Understand money – For twenty-somethings, money is a scary thought but it doesn’t have to be! Talk to someone and get to know your finances.
- Learn a different language – Even if it is only a few words, learn Italian (or Russian or even Spanish). Not only is it good for your brain, but it’s also incredibly sexy.
So instead of making those silly resolutions that make you want to quit before you’ve even begun, make resolutions that make you want to be a better person and have a wonderfully beautiful 2014!