For years, I grew up in close proximity to my cousin. A lot of us can probably relate. Whether it’s a cousin, a sibling, or a best friend. There was always someone else we were being compared to.
In my case, we are the same age, lived in the same town, and went to the same school. We were compared in almost every way, especially in high school.
Realistically, I know that another person’s quality does not take away from my own.
Would it kill the people around me to tell me that I was something too? Tell me that I’m smart or amazing. Tell me that you like being around me. Tell me how much you enjoy my company. Tell me how important I am to you.
There are a lot of compliments that aren’t based on how you look.
And I wish I heard more of them. Not that we should depend on the affirmations of others. But it’s really difficult to believe in yourself when you always hear negative things, or even nothing positive at all.
Speaking affirmations to yourself on daily basis is a positive way to improve your self-confidence and the relationship with yourself.
Here are a few positive affirmations to speak to yourself on a daily basis:
1. You deserve to be happy.
This isn’t in reference to money or fame. It’s simple happiness, however you perceive it. It could be falling in love and raising a family. For others, it could simply be an inner peace happiness.
Whatever it is, you deserve your happiness. You deserve to be at peace and content with yourself and your life.
2. You are beautiful.
You are beautiful on the inside and outside. Whether you think you’re too heavy or too skinny, not fit enough or too bulky, lacking certain features or have too many flaws, you are beautiful just the way you are.
Societal beauty standards vary by time and place. The media also often dictates what’s beautiful. So whether society agrees or not, you are beautiful on the inside and out.
3. You have so much potential.
A very wise classmate once pointed out to me that we don’t know what’s coming. Our future is unknown, and our lives as we know it can change in an instant. We often think of this as something negative, but our lives can change for the better as well.
Do what you love, keep working towards your goals, and you can be amazing.
For some extra motivation, remember that some of the biggest started as normal people that stumbled and even failed. JK Rowling’s Harry Potter was rejected repeatedly. Bill Gates is a college dropout. Oprah Winfrey was told that she was unfit for television. Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse was rejected over and over again, as the big media companies didn’t think a mouse could win the hearts of the public. These are examples I found on Pinterest, and there are so many more.
4. It’s okay to not be okay.
It’s okay to fall apart. It’s okay to be upset. It’s okay to get angry and to be mad. It’s okay to be human.
Especially as children, we are told not to cry, not to get angry, not to speak out of line, and not to do so many other things that are so naturally human.
If we turn on today’s politics, it’s easy to understand that even the people that are supposedly our top leaders often act like children. I’m not saying that it’s okay to be a grown-up child. I’m simply saying that it’s okay to not be okay sometimes.
Life is hard, and it’s okay to have human emotions when a loved one hurts you, or someone disrespects you, or when someone in your life passes away. It’s okay to not be okay.
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5. It will be okay.
I know it’s often difficult to believe, but it will be. If it’s not okay yet, it’s not the end. If it feels like the end, try changing your perspective. There are other ways to look at the situation.
And maybe it’s not the world tearing your life apart when things aren’t going as planned. Maybe the world is pushing you on the path you need to be on. But the only way to find out is if you continue on and see.
Maybe there are amazing things on its way, but you would’ve missed them if you continued as you had originally planned. Nonetheless, it will be okay.
6. You’re doing just fine.
When you think you’re not good enough or you’re not doing enough, you are doing just fine.
It’s easy to wonder if there’s something more you could have done, or if you should’ve done something differently. Life is hard, and it’s difficult to know if a different option would’ve been better or worse. All you can do is make the best decisions you can in the current situation with the present information.
It’s all we can do, and it’s the only thing that we do. So try not to worry, because you are doing just fine.
7. Someone admires you.
This took me a while to understand. When I was an underclassman in high school, I looked up to the upperclassman and all they accomplished.
Some were easily recognizable names, as they had been extremely involved. They were captains of their sports teams, competed on prestigious academic teams, and they were in all the AP classes. They were the type of people I looked up to and I wanted to be.
They were the ones we talked about with admiration behind their backs and looked up to. When I was fortunate enough to accomplish the same things, I didn’t hear what people were saying behind my back. But I like to think that it’s similar.
People you know and strangers you don’t know admire you. Most of us won’t know what strangers think of us or say about us, but it could surprise you. Someone does admire you, whether you know it or not.
8. You are amazing.
For everything you do, you are amazing. With everything you juggle and deal with on a normal basis, and everything you accomplish, you are amazing. For everything people know about and don’t, you are amazing. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
What are some other affirmations you think we should say more? Let us know and share our affirmations as well!