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Note To Self: No One Is Perfect

Who gets to decide what "perfect" is anyway?

Perfection is an unrealistic state of being that no one can actually live up to.

This is a bold statement to make, but c’mon. We’re all thinking it, right?

Who doesn’t long to be “perfect” from time to time? We’ve all fallen guilty to desiring the perfect body, trendiest hairstyle, most expensive clothes, poshest lifestyle, dream job, perfect significant other, and the list goes on and on.

It’s completely safe (and encouraged) to admit that we want to achieve this state of perfection. But . . .

Newsflash: no one is perfect.

So, why do I share this? Well, I’m guilty of needing the reminder myself. This is a “note to self”, if you will; a friendly reality check that perfection truly doesn’t exist, so I need to stop trying to attain it.

No one . . . literally no one is perfect.

[clickToTweet tweet=”No one . . . literally no one is perfect.” quote=”No one . . . literally no one is perfect.”]

When I start to aim for perfection, I force myself to keep these core statements in mind:

1. Bodies come in all shapes in sizes.

The goal of achieving the perfect body isn’t realistic because that “perfection” simply doesn’t exist. Human beings come in all shapes and sizes.

Some of us are naturally skinny, curvy, round, or pear-shaped. Some of us have large breasts, a modest chest, abs, a large rear end, or weigh more than we care to admit. The point is, there’s no right body type. Naturally, we are the way we are.

Sure, a healthy diet and regular exercise can help you lose weight or maintain your figure, but when it comes down to it, your body is the way it is. I’ve learned to accept this.

When I get down on myself about my weight or the shape of my figure, I remind myself that bodies are bodies. None are perfect and none are imperfect. Truly.

[clickToTweet tweet=”All bodies are good bodies.” quote=”All bodies are good bodies.”]

2. My job now won’t be my job for life.

Twenty-somethings often feel this pressure to find their dream job right now. There’s this unbelievable urgency to land an incredible career with competitive benefits and a remarkable salary as soon as possible. Guess what? No job is that perfect.

You might like your job, or even love your job, but there are pros and cons to every career. When I harp on myself for not knowing my calling (besides my side hustle, writing) I remind myself that there’s literally no perfect career in the world.

There might be a job that’s perfect for me,  but this is very different than a role being the most perfect job of all time. I do my best not to compare my work to the livelihood of others, simply because there’s no point.

None of us are in competition with each other. Our focus should be on finding the job that makes us happiest, financially sound, and helps us grow. Right? Right.

[clickToTweet tweet=”None of us are in competition with each other. ” quote=”None of us are in competition with each other. “]

3. My lifestyle is great as it is, thanks.

I’m never going to live out of a suitcase with a passport full of stamps, no responsibilities, and an endless supply of money. Sure, that would be amazing, but it’s completely and utterly unrealistic. I’m not a celebrity or public figure, so why even pretend I can mimic their lifestyles? There’s no point in even trying.

The best part? I actually love my life. I have the best boyfriend ever, an adorable puppy, a loving family, and great friends. I live in a nice home in the beautiful woods of Maine where I get to enjoy the coast and picturesque scenery.

Sure, my life isn’t perfect, but it’s perfect for me. Why long for an unrealistic standard of perfection when I am actually completely happy? Exactly. There’s no sense in that!

[clickToTweet tweet=”Sure, my life isn’t perfect, but it’s perfect for me.” quote=”Sure, my life isn’t perfect, but it’s perfect for me.”]

4. I can learn and grow on my own time.

I don’t need a graduate degree to continue learning and expanding my education. For some, grad school and Ivy league reputations are deemed perfect in academia standards, but for me this just isn’t so.

I earned a great education at a state university and getting my Master’s degree isn’t a necessity. If I want to, I can, but there’s no proof that I’m not intelligent without putting myself through years upon years of studies.

Never let anyone tell you a high school diploma, associate degree, bachelor’s degree, or trade school experience is not enough. Honestly, there’s no perfect level of education. Push yourself to earn the degree you want to achieve. Let that be your standard for perfection.

[clickToTweet tweet=”There’s no perfect level of education. Push yourself to earn the degree you want to achieve. ” quote=”There’s no perfect level of education. Push yourself to earn the degree you want to achieve. “]

5. I’m perfect, to me.

 When it comes down to it, I love who I am as a person. This is probably the most important belief I hold when it comes to measuring the notion of perfection.

To clarify, I don’t actually believe anyone is perfect, but I do truly believe I’m a wonderful human being just as I am. I have a great sense of humor, endless generosity for others, a natural ability to give love, and a positive outlook on life. I’m full of passion, happiness, and drive, which have all helped me get this far in life.

Anyone who can’t see these qualities about me, simply doesn’t see who I am as a person. We all have unique traits that we should celebrate about ourselves. They may not be perfect, but maybe these characteristics are perfect to us.

Let’s all share the love, okay? Be happy with who you are and believe you’re perfect for you.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Be happy with who you are and believe you’re perfect for you.” quote=”Be happy with who you are and believe you’re perfect for you.”]

No one is perfect in this world and everyone’s standards for measuring perfection vary greatly. Truthfully, when it comes down to it, there’s no such thing as the perfect body, best career, most intelligent mind, or greatest character.

We all have conflicting visions as to what deems a person as perfect, or close to it. Let’s try to break down these stereotypes and barriers. Stop thinking about perfection as a state of being. Instead, let’s be more mindful by appreciating a person for their whole self.

We all come with different strengths, weaknesses, habits, goals, and the like. Instead of pressuring each other to live up to unrealistic standards, let’s try to instead focus more on achieving complete and whole happiness.

Be happy with who you are, what you look like, and where you’re going in life. Happiness is truly what matters. The rest is just background noise.

About the Author

Rachael Warren (Tulipano)

Rachael is a University of Southern Maine graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication and a minor in Sociology. She remotely works full-time as a Senior Content Marketing Specialist for Champlain College in Burlington, Vermont. In her leisure time, Rachael enjoys traveling with her husband, finding the next Netflix series to binge, and taking too many photos of her dogs Jax and Kai. Rachael is obsessed with chapstick, favors the Oxford comma, and is a proud Mainer. You'll likely find her exploring New England + beyond.