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How to Make Sure You’re Being Treated Fairly

This post is featured on behalf of Stacey White.

So you’ve come home once again feeling a little insecure because of an interaction that occurred at work, or at a meeting with friends.

Don’t despair, there’s things you can do to make it back on your self confidence. Making sure you’re treated fairly in all walks of life is a part of self care and working on your confidence.

Here are a few tips to ensure there’s fairness in your everyday interactions:


By Colleagues

Being unfairly treated at work happens a lot more than we’d like to think, and as a result people are coming up with more and more ways to bounce back after a dismissal, insults, and harassment in the workplace. Of course it isn’t your fault if any one of these things happen to you, but there’s some steps you can take in the first place to help prevent them from becoming commonplace.

When it comes to the workplace, the most important thing to do is to set boundaries. When you have boundaries, and know how to say no when someone asks you to cover their shift or just finish that one last task for the millionth time, people are more likely to respect you and where you draw the line. Don’t let yourself fall into graduated commitment, as you can withdraw from something at any time if you need to.

By Family

We’re raised by them and we grow up around them, which sometimes means family members believe they have a kind of free pass when it comes to what you perceive as unfairness. What can go from gentle familial teasing, that we all do, can cross into something akin to bullying. First of all, don’t be afraid to admit that’s what you feel.

Talk to your family. Ideally, they’re closest to you and will understand when you have a problem. It also means they consider how they act around others as well.

When it Comes to Medical Practice

Being unfairly treated in medical practice is the most unfamiliar territory here, and doesn’t happen too often as doctors and nurses have your best interests at heart. Sometimes it can’t be avoided though, and even when they had good intentions, you didn’t consent to a certain procedure or weren’t well enough informed: Take preventative measures.

For a lot of people when they’re indisposed or reach the twilight years, a lot of information can go over your head, and through no fault of your own. Consenting to medical practices as a result means sometimes you didn’t know what you were agreeing to. Blog posts can help you answer questions like What is a Durable Power of Attorney and Why is it Important to Elders? Make sure you get all the fair practice you deserve! Knowing your rights for later on in your life is essential to ensuring this kind of thing doesn’t happen, and shaves off a few extra worries for retirement.

It’s important to take these steps for yourself; don’t let any worries become even more serious.