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6 Benefits Of Being Single In Your Late 20s

When you are in your late 20s, now more than ever, you really start noticing a shift in your peers. Suddenly everyone is getting married, starting their family, and it can seem like you are being left behind in the dust.

While those milestones are exciting, and there is nothing wrong with wanting to experience them, it’s time we focus on the joys of being single. There are a lot of benefits of being single in your late twenties, and I’m here to remind you of them today. 

benefits of being single in your late 20s

6 Benefits Of Being Single In Your Late 20s

Next time you are struggling in your singleness, I want you to remember these six things. They will help empower you to realize that you don’t need a partner to feel content with life. 

1. Time To Focus On Becoming Your Best Self

Your twenties is the decade you are spending trying to figure out who you are as an adult and what you want. That is why I am such a proponent of twenty-somethings taking the time to participate in personal development.

If you are single, you have more time to devote to this. The benefit here is that when you find your person, you will be well on your way, if not already there, to becoming your best self.

2. You Don’t Have To Split Your Time Between Someone

When you are in a relationship, you have another person you have to split your time between. Hopefully you’ll enjoy spending time with them, but it’s still time away from something you could be doing yourself that you enjoy.

When you are single you own all your time. Which means doing whatever you want whenever you want, within reason of course.

3. More Freedom To Do What You Want

In a similar fashion to the previous point, being single in your late 20s means that you have more freedom to do what you want. You don’t need to check in to see how a significant other feels about you making a career change, or wanting to take a trip, among other things. You get to make all the big decisions, little decisions, and everything in between.

4. You Have Time To Get Clear On What You Really Want (Never Settle)

The time you spend reflecting on what you want in a partner while you are single is time well spent. Whatever you do, you never want to settle for a love less than you deserve. Take this extra time to get clear on what your perfect partner is like. That way when you see them, you’ll know and you’ll be ready. 

5. More Time To Spend With Friends & Family

Being single gives you more time to spend with friends and family solo. Take these moments and cherish them because when you enter a relationship you may not have as much time with friends and family. The way you hang out with them may look different too when you start bringing a significant other around. For now, enjoy the solo time that you have.

6. Leaning On Self Love More

Just because you are single, doesn’t mean you can’t experience love. That is what self love is for. Use this time of singleness to truly lean into self love. Take time to fill your cup, do things you enjoy, and show yourself the love you deserve.

benefits of being single in your late 20s

What To Do When You Start Feeling Down About Being Single

Despite there being so many benefits of being single in your late 20s, emotions can still overrule sometimes. It’s hard to not feel left out when everyone is on date night, or a slow song comes on while you are at an event and all the couples head to the dance floor.

These are just some instances of when you could start feeling down about being single. Here is what you are going to do next time you are feeling that way.

1. Try To Remove Yourself From The Situation

If it’s possible, put some distance between yourself and what made you feel lonely. You don’t have to sit there and watch all the couples on the dance floor, you can leave the room for a few minutes. You won’t always be able to remove yourself from the situation, but if you can I definitely recommend that.

2. Feel Your Feelings

As uncomfortable as it is, you’ve got to feel your feelings in order to get through them. Don’t be afraid of those big emotions, instead try to figure out where they are coming from. Once you feel them you may find that moving forward they don’t affect you as much.

3. Think Of The Positive & Practice Gratitude

If you can’t get past those lonely feelings, it’s time to bring in some positive feelings to replace them. Think of all of the positive aspects of being single that we just discussed, and add an element of gratefulness to it. You can say things like “I’m grateful to have time to discover who I am and what I want out of life,” and “I’m grateful for the extra time I have with my hobbies while I am single.” The more you say these things, the more you’ll feel them.

benefits of being single in your late 20s

Remember This Is Just A Season Of Your Life

My last piece of advice is to remember that this is just a season of your life. Your person is still out there and you still have a lifetime of memories with that person to look forward to. When I think about this it makes me excited and expectant. Focus on what is good about this current season you are in, while having hope for the future you have ahead of you. Knowing that you won’t stay single forever is definitely comforting. I challenge you to find things you love about the season you are currently in.

What is your favorite thing about being single in your late 20s? How do you keep your spirits up when loneliness tries to creep in? Let me know in the comments.

About the Author

Kelly Clark

Kelly graduated from Liberty University with a degree in Advertising and Public Relations and a minor in Journalism. Even though it took her a little while to find her career path, she was always meant to be in Communications. She remembers writing poems and songs when she was a little girl and pitching to my parents the reasons why I should have a cell phone when I was a teenager. She currently has a blog ( where she talks about her weight-loss journey, mental health and personal development. Her hope is to encourage and inspire readers and let them know they are not alone. Reading blog posts like that are what helped her in tough times and she wants to pay it forward. She loves dance fitness, listening to music, and creating layouts in her bullet journal. She's a big fan of planning, especially when cute notebooks and pens are involved. Her dream job has changed so much over the years; right now she'd love to co-own a dance studio.
