Some pairs just go together. Laverne & Shirley. Tina & Amy. Oprah & Gayle. But even the tightest of bonds can fall apart for one reason or another. With increasingly busy schedules and the battle of juggling all of life’s happenings, it can often be challenging to keep up with old friends. Try one of these activities the next time you get a chance to reconnect with an old pal:
Have a meal together
Chef Curtis Stone said of food, “It creates all this beautiful stuff, conversation, appreciation, romance. All the most important things in life you do around a dinner table.” If you’re looking to reconnect with someone, meet up for lunch or dinner. Better yet, if you’re feeling strapped for cash, host a potluck and enjoy the benefits of a good meal and good company within the comfort of your own home.
Partake of one of your favorite pastimes
Maybe you and your friend liked to catch a matinee on Saturdays or perhaps you liked going for a drive and singing unabashedly loud to your favorite tunes. Whatever it may be, try one of your old favorites to stir up those nostalgic feelings and reminisce on all of the things that make your relationship an oldie, but a goodie.
Try something new together
If you’re looking for something to do with an old friend, try something new to match your renewed relationship. There are several websites out there such as Groupon and Living Social that feature discounted deals on a variety of activities. (I recently took a sushi making class complete with drinks, appetizers, two sushi rolls and a cool parting gift for about $20 thanks to Groupon). You and your pal can add a new experience to reflect on the next time you get together. Check out our hobby suggestions for some quick ideas and inspiration.
Have a sleepover
So you want to hang out with your friend, but you’re really more interested in hanging out with your couch. Why not kick it old school and have a sleepover? Break out the board games, movies, junk food and your PJs and cut loose at home. You and your friend can talk and laugh as loudly as you like with the added bonus of playing couch potato.
Take a trip
A great way to encompass all of the suggestions above would be to take a trip—even if only for a day. Travel to a city in one of your neighboring states or even within state lines that you’ve yet to visit. Spend the day sightseeing, research a list of favorite local eats and, if you have the cash, stay the night (be sure to research hotel deals online before booking a room).
The first step to rejuvenating your relationship is reaching out. With our increasing reliance on texts, tweets, emails and Facebook messages, we often forget the sheer power of hearing someone’s voice. Make matters personal by picking up the phone and calling your comrade to let them know you’re thinking of them and longing for their presence. A good friend is like your favorite film—no matter how many times you’ve seen it, it’s just as great every time. Despite the distance between you and your pal, the days, weeks or years that may have passed since you last spoke, good friends know how to pick up just where they left off. Whatever you choose to do, the important thing is to just do it.