5 Habits Of A Successful Schedule


You don’t have to do it all, but if you want to make your life a bit more balanced and a touch more fulfilling, make these habits your own.

Map out a routine that you can realistically be consistent with day in and day out, even on weekends. 

You map out a routine and stick to it.


When you allocate time for the things you have to do and the things you want to do, you get the best of both worlds.

You assign time for “the needs” and “the wants.”


Writing down your daily, weekly, and monthly commitments, appointments, projects, deadlines, and hangouts can keep yourself sane and organized

Organize yourself daily.


It sounds contradictory to organizing your schedule as aforementioned, but you also need to be flexible. Leave room in your day or week to let things fall into place naturally.

You remain flexible.


Make time to track yourself to assess how your schedule is performing and how productive and happy you are. 

You track yourself.



1. Map out your routine. 2. Fit in both wants and needs. 3. Organize daily. 4. Be flexible, not rigid. 5. Track yourself and adjust as needed.