Digital Declutter Challenge:  Your 14-Day Game Plan


Introducing The Digital Declutter Challenge!

We are going to be decluttering your digital life! There are four major ways to complete a digital declutter. 

1. Your Phone As technology gets better and better, so do our phones. We continue to pile on the newest apps, fill our storage with 100s of pictures/videos, and so much more.

4 Ways To Complete A Digital Declutter

2. Email This category is a popular suspect for the most declutter in your digital space. It not only is the worst time-waster, it also is a major point of stress. 

4 Ways To Complete A Digital Declutter

3. Computer Files The best way to declutter your computer is to uninstall any programs you are no longer using, delete old files you don’t need, and transfer photos to a flash drive, or other storage device.

4 Ways To Complete A Digital Declutter

4. Social Media Do you ever find yourself comparing yourself to people you follow on social media?  It may not seem like it at first, but unfollowing them is a great way to declutter your social media.

4 Ways To Complete A Digital Declutter

Now that we know how to start the digital decluttering process, it’s time to put it into action. What better way to do that than with a challenge? The idea is to just focus on one area each day.

The 14-Day Challenge


1. Go through the apps on your phone and delete the ones you don’t use.


2. Take today to organize your apps into succinct folders, whether by topic or how often you use them!


3. Start going through your photos (this might take more than a day!) and delete duplicates or bad photos and videos.


4. Take today to finish up your photos and clear out your notes app.


5. Clean out your contacts list! If it isn’t someone you talk to regularly, delete their information.


6. Today you’ll clear out your inbox by deleting old emails. You can also take today to organize your inbox into folders.


7. Take today to go through the files on your computer. Delete anything you no longer need, is from a time long past (like college), and move files you need to keep but don’t  need access to to an external storage device.


8. Take time today to make sure your files are backed up appropriately. 9. Today is a  catch up day! Spend time with anything you haven’t finished decluttering yet.


10. Go through the accounts you follow on Instagram – do they all serve you? Do you enjoy them? Do any of them make you feel bad about yourself? If you answered no, no, and yes… time to unfollow!


11. Today, do the same thing with Twitter (or another social platform you use) as you did with Instagram yesterday.


12. Go through your Facebook friends today. Do you know these people in real life? Do you talk to them and interact with their pages? If not, it’s safe to delete them.


13. Spend some more time on Facebook today removing yourself from groups you don’t utilize anymore, unliking pages you don’t enjoy, and hiding photos you don’t want out publicly anymore.


14. Spend today focusing on an area unique to your life that the rest of the challenge didn’t cover. This might be something like your work computer, your Google drive, a missing social platform, etc.


Will you be participating in the 14-day digital declutter challenge?