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8 Ways to Celebrate Love Your Pet Day

National Love Your Pet Day is an unofficial holiday celebrated annually on February 20th. For most of us with pets, we love our companions each and every day. Pets are our pride and joy. They love us unconditionally, they make us smile at the end of a hard day of work or school, and they are our source of endless companionship. Pets are oftentimes our very best friends.

So, why observe National Love Your Pet Day at all? Well, appreciating your pet on a holiday, even an unofficial one, means dedicating an entire day to your little sidekick. It’s all about honoring your dog, cat, bird, snake, or what not in the name of love.

You may wonder, in what ways can you celebrate your pet? The type of pet you have likely determines the ways in which you can honor your pet, but there is most definitely a way to love your pet on National Love Your Pet Day.

Some ideas include:

1. Take your furry friend for a walk.

Are you a dog owner? Do you have a horse? Take your pet for a walk somewhere new or special. Whether it’s through a dog park, on a trail in the woods, or along the beach, take your pet out for some exercise.

Most animals love to get out and enjoy the fresh air. How many times have you seen a dog run around in the grass overjoyed with playing fetch? Celebrate your furry friend with some fresh air and sunshine.

2. Celebrate your pet on social media.

Most people love animals, so share the love with other people you know. Use the hashtag #NationalLoveYourPetDay to join a community of pet lovers on social media platforms, like Twitter and Instagram. Posting a photo with you and your pet is a great way to commemorate your relationship and celebrate your pet.

Instead of taking the pictures yourself, you should go to a professional to commemorate this day. Get some dog photography packages and pick the best ones to post on social media. This way, you’ll have high-quality pictures that will last a lifetime!

3. Shop for your pet.

Maybe your dog is in need of a new leash or bed. Perhaps your cat could use new toys. Take your pet to the pet store to purchase something just for your pet. This is also a perfect time to consider investing in comprehensive and easily manageable pet insurance with Waggel. By ensuring they are covered, you’re showing love beyond tangible gifts by protecting their health and well-being. This is a great way for you to feel like you’re celebrating your pet.

4. Wash your pet.

Your furry friend may absolutely detest baths, but it’s peace and mind for you that your pet is fresh and clean. Consider bathing your pet on National Love Your Pet Day. Tough love is still love, and at least you’ll have a clean companion in your life.

5. Give your pet extra attention.

 Sometimes we are guilty of neglecting our pets. Sure, we feed them and care for them, but sometimes life gets in the way. Make sure you give your pet extra attention on National Love Your Pet Day. Play with your puppy or kitty. Give your bunny extra time out of its cage. Whichever the case, make sure you give your companion a little TLC.

6. Gift your pet a special treat.

Whether it’s a homemade dog biscuit or some catnip for your kitty, give your pet a treat in honor of National Love Your Pet Day. Do something out of the norm to show your pet just how much you love them.

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7. Visit a local animal shelter.

Maybe you don’t have a pet of your own, but you still love animals. Great! Celebrate National Love Your Pet Day by visiting a nearby animal shelter. Spend some time with the dogs, cats, and other furry critters that are in need of a forever home. You may end up adopting an animal in need. Even if you don’t, spending time with animals is a great way to honor this unofficial holiday.

8. Give your pet extra love.

It goes without saying, love your pet on National Love Your Pet Day. Give your cat or dog extra snuggles. Make sure you give your pet exactly what it needs to celebrate this unofficial holiday properly.

In addition to giving your pet extra love on National Love Your Pet Day, it’s crucial to make sure you have everything planned out and booked in advance if you intend to travel with your pet.

This entails doing your homework on pet-friendly lodging options, booking them well in advance, and making sure your pet is healthy and in possession of all required travel documentation. You can make sure that both you and your cherished pet have a safe and enjoyable trip by making sure you have everything planned and taken care of.

Do you have a pet? How are you celebrating National Love Your Pet Day? Share in the comments!

About the Author

Rachael Warren (Tulipano)

Rachael is a University of Southern Maine graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication and a minor in Sociology. She remotely works full-time as a Senior Content Marketing Specialist for Champlain College in Burlington, Vermont. In her leisure time, Rachael enjoys traveling with her husband, finding the next Netflix series to binge, and taking too many photos of her dogs Jax and Kai. Rachael is obsessed with chapstick, favors the Oxford comma, and is a proud Mainer. You'll likely find her exploring New England + beyond.