There’s a saying I really like that states “The task that gets done the slowest is the one that you haven’t started yet”. It is a simple saying, yet conveys a very important and profound message that can be related to many aspects of life when talking about productivity and time management.
We all have stuff that we must do and stuff that we want to do and oftentimes, the two groups don’t overlap, which can make managing our time and choosing how to spend it a bit tricky. For instance, we must go to work, take care of our domestic duties, and (hopefully) exercise, yet what we really want to do most of the time is lay on the couch and binge-watch another season of that super interesting TV show picked up recently.
However, postponing our tasks and mismanaging our time in relation to them will more often than not leave us stressed out because, at the end of the day, we’ll still have to complete those tasks, but now we won’t have nearly as much time for them as we would have if we were more organized and disciplined.
Time management, in general, is an essential skill – one that’s really difficult to cultivate, but also one that can be extremely beneficial to our overall quality of life. In this short post, I’ll explore several helpful tips and techniques that can help you organize your day and get done as much as possible, while also leaving time for relaxation and leisure.

Strategies for Optimal Productivity and Balance
1. Learn to prioritize in advance and on the go
It should come as no surprise that the first important element of learning how to properly manage your time is to get better at prioritizing. You need to have a very clear idea in your mind about how important and urgent a given task is.
For instance, tasks that are very important or need to be completed as quickly as possible (or both) should be at the top of your priority list, and you should focus on them first. Only once you’ve completed them, should you move on to other less important or time-sensitive ones.
Here, it’s also necessary to consider how much time and effort a given task is going to take in order to decide when to do it. A great example of this is if you start your job at 9 or 10 in the morning, and you also want to squeeze in a workout session in your daily schedule. You can leave the workout for the evening after you’ve finished work, but at this point, most of your physical and mental energy is likely to be exhausted, leaving you with little willpower to work out. On the other hand, if you get 30 minutes to an hour earlier in the morning and get the workout out of the way before you get to the office, you’ll have already completed one important task for that day, and you’ll still have the energy to get through the work day, and you won’t need to worry about needing to do anything else in the evening.
Getting good at properly prioritizing isn’t easy and doesn’t happen overnight. However, it’s at the center of becoming better at staying organized and having time for everything, so it’s worth focusing on this particular skill a bit more. Ways you can improve your ability to prioritize are to read some literature on the topic, get involved in a life skills class, or talk to a life coach. Of course, you can always do your own research online, but then you should remember to put every piece of advice under scrutiny as not everything you read online is necessarily helpful (yes, the irony of this statement isn’t lost on me).
2. Don’t let small tasks pile up
We all have experienced it – you tell yourself that it’s only a single dish that you can wash later, but then you turn around and there’s a huge pile of dishes and cutlery in the sink. Same thing with laundry, and other everyday tasks. The key here is to never let those tasks pile up – it will help you stay organized, have fewer things to take care of in the long run, and help you stay more relaxed.
A general rule of thumb is that if a given task is going to take you less than 2 minutes to complete, you should complete it as soon as you get the opportunity. This could be making your bed in the morning, taking out the trash on your way out, or anything else like that. Once you make it a habit, you won’t even register those as actual tasks, but performing them will greatly help in the long run.
3. Start early
I get it, not everyone is a morning person. I certainly am not. However, getting up early is still important even if you aren’t great at it. It just gives you more time in the day to do stuff and also, knowing that you’ve completed half or a third of your daily tasks before noon can have a very positive psychological effect.
On the other hand, if you get up at 11, and you get down to your tasks at noon, you’ll feel like you have a ton of stuff to get done and only half a day to do them.

4. Turn off notifications
In general, distractions from social media can be a huge productivity killer, so it’s best to bring them down to a minimum.
I won’t go as far as to say that you should delete your TikTok, Facebook, or Instagram app (though you should probably do that too), but you can at least go to your phone’s settings and turn off any audio notifications for such apps. I truly believe that this is an essential piece of advice that people who are serious about becoming more productive should adhere to.
5. Get enough sleep
Finally, no matter how good your list of priorities is, how little you get distracted by social media, or how early you’ve woken up, if you haven’t had enough sleep during the night, you won’t be very productive, and you’ll get distracted a lot more easily.
So, getting the necessary amount of sleep that your body and brain need to function at an optimal level is essential if you want to be better at managing your time, organizing your day, and getting done as much work as possible, while also having enough free time for your hobbies, leisure activities, and relaxation.
Summing It All Up
Mastering time management is not simply about making lists or filling every minute of your day with tasks. It’s about understanding what is essential and making the most of your time to lead a balanced life.
Prioritize your tasks wisely, tackle smaller tasks immediately, start your day early, minimize distractions, and ensure you get adequate rest. These strategies aren’t just steps towards being more productive; they’re a foundation for a more fulfilled and less stressful life.
As we strive to balance our responsibilities and desires, remember, time is a finite resource and one of the greatest tools at our disposal. Use it wisely, and watch how it can transform every aspect of your life, from work to wellness to personal joy.