50 Hard Questions to Ask Yourself If You Want to Reach Your Goals

2. What are the values and priorities I always want to keep with me throughout my life, no matter what?

3. What will matter the most to me in my life five years from now?

4. Where do I want to be in my life five years from now?

1. What matters the most to me in my life, right now?

6. What things do I want to accomplish by the end of my life?

7. What would my ideal life look like?

8. Do my actions currently reflect what matters the most to me?

5. What do I want to get done by the end of this year?

10. Are the people in my life positive influences in my life or negative influences?

11. What is the motivation or driving factor behind creating these goals?

12. What do I enjoy doing most in my life?

9. Who do I have in my life right now?

14. What specifically do I want to accomplish?

15. Have I already tried to reach these goals?

16. What progress have I made so far?

13. Are my goals too general?

18. Are there ways that I can get there faster?

19. What are some shorter-term goals that I can make to help me reach my longer-term goals?

20. Are my goals realistic?

17. Have I measured the progress of my goals?

22. What have I been putting off for later?

23. Which of things I have been putting off should I really be doing now?

24. What went wrong the last time I tried to achieve these goals?

21. What are my means and can I reach my goals within them?

26. Have I written down my goals?

27. How often do I review my goals?

28. Am I trying to achieve too many goals at once?

25. What else have I tried so far to reach these goals?

Swipe up for 22 more questions to ask yourself!