20 Pieces of Common Sense That Finally Clicked in My 20s


1. Realize there is no such thing as “finding yourself.” 2. Learn that it’s okay to lose friends. 3. Become friends with your parents -- it’s one of life’s biggest surprises and joys.

4. Find your purpose instead of settling for just a career. 5. Know the difference between being confident and being arrogant. 6. Prefer quality over quantity. 7. Invest in your mind.

8. If someone else did it, chances are, you can do it, too. 9. Don’t settle for heartbreak - it doesn’t have to be the norm. 10. Realize that everyone hurts.


11. Ask for help. 12. Embrace your weirdness. 13. Make your health a top priority -- it is more important now than it ever will be.


14. Save more money than you spend. 15. Travel as much as possible. 16. Develop a creative outlet.


17. Ignore the negativity of others. 18. Look toward the future. 19. Write every day. 20. Step outside of your comfort zone - and don’t look back.


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